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frequently asked questions


Disclaimer: Healing Light® is an energetic healing tool. It is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any  healing you receive. "Healing Light®" 

We do not sell or share your information with anyone else.


The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. Healing Light® does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.

Permission is given for the downloading and temporary storage of one or more of these pages for the purpose of viewing on a personal computer. The contents of this site are protected by copyright under international conventions and, apart from the permission stated, the reproduction, permanent storage, or retransmission of the contents of this site is prohibited without the prior written consent of Healing Light®.

Reproduction, distribution, republication and/or retransmission of material contained within this website are prohibited unless the prior written permission of Healing Light® has been obtained.

Please contact us if you need additional assistance.



please read

It is quite important


There are 34 Laws of Universe, and one of them is The Law of Interference. What does this law mean? 

Imagine you were going to watch a very interesting movie but your friend already watched that movie and he told you all about it. Now your experience of enjoying that movie for the first time is spoiled. You will not have that experience. It is similar concerning healing; if your soul is using the experience of the sickness for some other benefit then we can’t heal you unless you and your soul will give us your permission. If we did then we would not only be infringing on the Law of Interference, but we could be depriving you of a greater experience that your soul had planned and possibly one that you were meant to go through. Illnesses can teach people some very important lessons for their soul evolution. The fact that you are here demonstrates that you already have a desire to be healed. It would greatly assist the healing if, before your healing session, you would please say out loud, “I am allowing myself to be healed.”   Meanwhile, we will ask your soul to accept the healing as well.  No matter what, the Angels have let us know that the healing light is always beneficial for the recipient even if it is not used for the receiver’s stated desire. You can never absorb too much light. Be in peace.



What does it mean Worldwide Distance healing? 

It does not matter where you are in the world.  Every person is just a doorway apart in the field of energy. We are able to focus on your energy signature, therefore you will be able to receive your healing. 



How to prepare yourself for healing? 


At the day of your appointment please make sure you take your time to relax. It is preferred that you lay down during your healing session to ensure you will get all the benefits of healing. Make sure you choose a quiet room of your home or office where you can deeply relax and receive your healing. You might fall asleep after your healing session, which will also be beneficial to you.



What to expect from healing?


Every result will vary respective to the individual.  You may not feel anything different on the first day, but it can take place on the second day or third, so be prepared. You may notice a shift later that day, or a day or week later. You might wake up one morning and your back suddenly has no pain anymore. Or your arthritis pain seems to have disappeared. Or you experience a sense of peace that you have not felt in a long time. Benefits can include clarity, more vitality, peace of mind, more life energy into your body and mind, acceleration of your personal evolution. You might experience emotional imbalance and crying can be one of the reactions because your body received healing light and light always shines on your own shadows and an emotional release may occur. "Healing Light" also helps to get rid of old emotions that no longer serve you. So do not worry, think of it as a blessing, a great opportunity to renew yourself for a better life experience. Emotions can get trapped in different parts of our bodies and the longer you keep them the more damage they can project to your wellbeing. In some cases, emotional clearing can take longer than you anticipate. After a few days of your session if you still feel that you may need additional help then please email us so we can schedule another healing session for you.



What is "HealingLight"?


"Healing Light" is a form of Energy healing modality. We are all energy and we all have our own very unique energy signature, which allows us as healers to connect to and radiate a healing energy of love to one’s body even from a distance. We become a beautiful vessel of healing love energy that is focused by use of the receiver’s energy signature. Because we are all very unique and we are all on different paths of our Earthly Life Journey, then every healing experience will be different for every person. It will depend on your belief system, on your soul desire to be healed, on your own will and desire to be healthy. It works somewhat the same for our pets, for example, our beautiful cat Olivia did not want to get healed and her soul was rejecting healing for some time, even though Marina have talked to her soul many times asking to accept a healing. On the other hand, our dog Laska who has some genetic health issues did and does accept healing, in fact, she loves the healing energy and she gets excited every time she receives it. Animals do feel healing energy even more than humans.
We have one dog and three cats. 


What does it mean "Night Healing"? 


Night healing means that you will be receiving your healing during your night time when you are sleeping. This is also a very potent type of healing because when we sleep our human mind stops, takes a break from analyzing, worrying, doubting and so on and it contributes to a better healing. Same goes for our beloved pets. We suggest you go to bed not later than 10pm for the full healing to occur. 

What is the difference between Healing for a Person or Healing for a pet? 

There is no difference in healing modality. The only difference would be the mindset of the human who often desires to analyze everything, have belief systems, doubts, and worries or the mindset of a pet who rarely subjected to those human mind characteristics, which sometimes allow them to have a better outcome from healing. Unless the soul desire of your pet is to remain sick for some time or leave this Earthly life experience. But nevertheless healing energy still can be very potent for their soul evolution, the same is applied to human's soul evolution. 

If you have more questions to ask please go to Contact page.


"Messages from the Spirit World" service?


Marina does not predict the future. Future can always be changed by your free will.   


Service Policies



If you did not cancel your appointment on time or forgot about your appointment, you will still receive healing: therefore no refunds. You can request a refund/cancellation up to 24hrs prior to your appointment time slot.






If it is necessary to cancel an appointment, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance so other customers may be offered the availability.  All reschedules require 24 hours notice prior to the time of appointment. This will allow us to give the time to another customer. What does 24 hours mean? If your appointment is for Dec 21st at 2:00 pm, then you would need to email or call on or before Dec 20th at 2:00pm to reschedule or cancel.


Our Privacy Policy 

We believe that your email address and shipping address is private information and you have our assurance that we do not rent or sell your email address or any of your personal information to anyone. Your privacy is important to use and this privacy policy sets out how "HealingLight"  uses and protects any information that you give "HealingLight" when you use this website. "HealingLight" is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. "HealingLight" may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from September 2016 to the present. Your continued use of this site or any of the services offered herein following any such change will constitute your acceptance of all changes. In addition, by visiting our site, you agree that your visit, and any dispute over privacy, is governed by this Privacy Policy.We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. 


Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

This website is directed to adults; it is not directed to children under the age of 13. We operate our site in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, and will not knowingly collect or use personal information from anyone under 13 years of age.







By using this site, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our site Your continued use of our following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.




If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at: or go to Contact Us Page. 


Thank you!

©2020 by "Dedicated Lightworker Press®"

 We do not sell or share your information with anyone else. â€‹

The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. Dedicated Lightworker Press® does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.

Permission is given for the downloading and temporary storage of one or more of these pages for the purpose of viewing on a personal computer. The contents of this site are protected by copyright under international conventions and, apart from the permission stated, the reproduction, permanent storage, or re-transmission of the contents of this site is prohibited without the prior written consent of Dedicated Lightworker Press®.

Reproduction, distribution, republication and/or re-transmission of material contained within this website are prohibited unless the prior written permission of Dedicated Lightworker Press® has been obtained. Please contact us if you need additional assistance.

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